Limited Liability Company Account
- Duly filled and signed Account Opening Form
- Two (2) Specimen Signature Cards
- Two (2) Independent and satisfactory references (completed by another Limited Liability Company or higher.
- Two (2) recent and clear passport-size photographs for each signatory to the account
- Certificate of Incorporation (Originals to be sighted)
- Particulars of Directors (Certified True Copy by the Registrar of Companies and originals to be sighted)
- Memorandum and Articles of Association (Certified True Copy by the Registrar of Companies/Director of Company)
- Board Resolution (Signed and Sealed)
- Identification of Signatories (International Passport, Drivers License, Voters Card or National ID Card)
- Resident Permit (Where the signatory is an expatriate)
- Public Utility Receipt
- Visitation Form (Residential and Official)
- Letter of Set-Off (Signed and Sealed)
- Mandatory Initial Deposit
- Risk Assessment Form
- Additional KYC Form

Sole Proprietorship/Enterprise
- Duly filled and signed Account Opening Form
- Two (2) Specimen Signature Cards
- Two (2) independent and satisfactory references
- Two (2) recent and clear passport size photographs of each signatory
- Form of Identification of Signatories
- Certificate of Registration (originals to be sighted)
- Form of Application for Registration (Certified as True Copy by CAC and originals to be sighted)
- Photocopy of Public Utility Receipt (original sighted)
- Mandatory Initial Deposit
- Visitation Report (Residential and Official)
- Risk assessment Form
- Additional KYC Form

Partnership Account
- Account Opening Form duly completed
- Two (2) independent and satisfactory corporate references
- Form of Identification (for each signatory)
- Resident permits where applicable
- Certificate of Registration (Originals to be sighted)
- Form of Application for Registration, C.T.C (originals to be sighted)
- Partnership Agreement signed by all partners
- Public Utility Receipt-original sighted
- Visitation Report (Resident and Official)
- Risk Assessment Form
- Additional KYC Form
- Mandatory Initial Deposit

Clubs, Societies, Associations
- Account Opening Form duly completed
- Two (2) Specimen Signature Cards
- Two (2) recent and clear passport size photographs for each signatory
- Resolution/letter signed by the President/Chairman and Secretary
- introducing signatories to the account and stating the mandate
- Copy of Rules/Constitution
- Public Utility Receipt-(original sighted)
- Form of Identification for each signatory
- Visitation (residential and official)
- Risk Assessment Form
- Additional KYC Form
- Initial deposit

Parastatals/Government Agencies
- Account Opening Form duly completed by appropriate authority e.g. Permanent Secretary/Chief Executive of the Ministry, Agency or Parastatal.
- Two specimen signature cards duly completed by each of the signatories to the account and countersigned by the Accountant-General.
- Two recent and clear passport-size photographs of each signatory with their names on the reverse side.
- Copy of Gazette, Act/ Decree/ Edict setting up the Agency/Parastatal.
- Stamped or sealed Resolution of the Agency/Parastatal signed by the Permanent Secretary and Legal Adviser/Secretary resolving that the account
be opened with the bank. The resolution must specify the venue of the meeting, people present and mandate of the account. - International Passport/Driver's License, ID of Parastatal and Tax Clearance of each signatory.
- Accountant-General / Chief Executive of the Parastatal to endorse Board Resolution or Mandate Cards.
- Visitation Report

Non-Governmental Organization Account (NGOs)
- Account Opening Form duly completed by appropriate authorities of NGO i.e. Chairman and Secretary to the NGO.
- Copy of Charter / Memorandum and Articles of the NGO (originals to be sighted)
- Copy of Certificate of Registration (originals to be sighted)
Resolution signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the NGO to openaccount with the bank.- The resolution should be sealed, specify the venue of the meeting, officers present and the person who presided, state the signatories and mandate on the account.
- Two specimen signature cards
- Form of ID for each signatory
- Two recent and clear passport photographs for each signatory
- Visitation
- Initial Deposit

Embassies and High Commissions
- Account Opening Form duly completed
- Two (2) Specimen Signature Cards
- Two recent and clear passport size photographs for each signatory
- Certificate from Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Letter/Resolution from the Ambassador/ High Commissioner authorizing account opening and introducing signatories/mandate and listing the principal members of the Embassy present at the meeting.
- Copy of Charter / Constitution of the Embassy
- Form of Identification for each signatory
- Visitation

Church Account
- Account Opening Form duly completed
- Two (2) Specimen Signature Cards
- Two independent and satisfactory references
- Two recent and clear passport photographs for each signatory
- Resolution of Parish/Church Council to open an account, stating signatories and mandate, It should state people present at the meeting and signed by the Chairman/President and General Secretary to the Council.
- Constitution/ Charter of the Parish Council or Rules and Regulations
- Registration Certificate (where available)
- Public Utility Receipt-original sighted
- Visitation (Residential and Official)
- Initial Deposit

Trust Account
- Account Opening Form duly completed
- Two (2) Specimen Signature Cards
- Two independent and satisfactory references
- Two recent and clear passport photographs for each signatory
- Copy of Constitution/ Charter of Trust fund
- A Resolution by the Trustees to open the account, stating venue, people present, signed and sealed by the Chairman and Secretary to the Trust Fund
- Form of Identification
- Visitation
- Initial Deposit
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